here we are...
week end herb blogging!!
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for her I wanted to find a glutenfree recipe, but as this is a very very busy time for me...
I couldn't come up with something more simple than this recipe...
but..I made with my heart and you in mind! :)))
I hope you apologize and ...promise you try it!!
this is recipe I found on one of my Norvegian cook books
vintermat som varmer
gitte heidi rasmussen
inge skovdal
ed. schibsted
(don't be bored, I finally got back my new swedish cook books...
so from now on..something new will be cooking :)))) )
so from now on..something new will be cooking :)))) )
you need:
400gr of fresh ananas
juice from 1 lime
1 dl ananas juice*
20gr of fresh ginger
100gr of sugar
100gr of sugar
1 tsp of fennel seeds
1 tsp of cumin seeds
1tsp nigella seeds*
1tsp of mustard seeds
1tsp of mustard seeds
75gr of dried apricots
put the juices and the spices, suggar and the grated ginger in a pot and let cook for a couple of minutes.
add the chopped ananas and apricots and let cook softly for ca 25min.
adjust with salt and ginger. and then let cook another 10min.
pour in clean glasses and close thight.
let cool up side down
store in a cool and dark place.
you sould do two things:
let rest for 2 weeks before tasting it (that's hard!)
do double rate at once!!
you can also use canned ananas, rember to cook just for 20min.
if you don't get enough of juce cutting the ananas, just add some more lime juice.
I didn't have them..so I added some piemento pepper instead.
the taste is very interesting, it is incredible how good ananas tastes with cumin and fennel..
I almost finished one jar..in tasting! :)))))
try it with this dish
>< 100-150gr of ham per person
fresh ginger
fresh basil
green curry
a piece of leek
1clove of garlic
4 tbsp of ananas or lime juice
white wine
in a frying pan put the garlic, the curry, the chopped leek,
some basil leaves and the grated ginger..
let fry gentle in some extra olive oil.
fade with some of the juice...
add the ham cut in cubes and higher the heat, keep mixing and let the flavours penetrate the meat.
fade with the juice and some white wine..
aggiust with basil, ginger and curry
when it is all dried up, the ham is ready to serve
serve with the ananas pickles...it is good! :)))
see you next week at chris - mele cotte
fresh ginger
fresh basil
green curry
a piece of leek
1clove of garlic
4 tbsp of ananas or lime juice
white wine
in a frying pan put the garlic, the curry, the chopped leek,
some basil leaves and the grated ginger..
let fry gentle in some extra olive oil.
fade with some of the juice...
add the ham cut in cubes and higher the heat, keep mixing and let the flavours penetrate the meat.
fade with the juice and some white wine..
aggiust with basil, ginger and curry
when it is all dried up, the ham is ready to serve
serve with the ananas pickles...it is good! :)))
see you next week at chris - mele cotte
11 commenti:
Grazie Brii! Ananas = pineapple, si?
Cara Brii, che ricetta sorprendente ci hai regalato, un'emozione di sapori resi magici dalle spezie, spezie che amiamo moltissimo! Non mancheremo di provarla, pensando a te!
Un bacio da Sabrina&Luca
Direi che ananas+prosciuto=abbinamento strepitoso!
Brii, sei sempre originale e mai banale!
Complimenti e buona serata!
Mamma mia che bontà!!! Tutto da provare...
leggo bene gli ingredienti, non sono proprio in grado di comprendere tutto in inglese mi impegno a farmi fare la traduzione, conoscendomi, cara Bri, sai che adoro ricette particolari con nuovi accostamenti e questa mi sembra denzalto al caso mio.
Buona giornata
ciao! bellissima ricetta davvero e molto particolare!
I love your effort trying to follow your challenges this is honourable so don't apologize.
My nose is smelling all spices flavours and ham (cooked ham?) is jumping on my whathering mouth!
and, of course, I'm looking forward your swedish recipes!!!
♫♫♫cia brii (♥_♥) wow!!! ricetta sfiziosetta complimenti !!!! passa da me quando puoi ho un prmietto per te (-_^) ♫♫♫
buona sera amiciii!
chiedo scusa, che mi sono dimenticata scrivere che la ricetta in italiano la trovate cliccando sulle foto.
sono un pò via di testa in questo periodo...fatto sta che ho scritto
ananas invece di pineapple! :)
@rachel...yes of course! pineapple..sorry..my brain is not always contected to the rest of the body!!! sigh!
@luca&sabrina..è stata una vera sorpresa..ananas insieme al cumino ed il finocchio. ci sta benissimo..
adesso che ho ritrovato i semini di nigella..posso rifare seguendo la ricetta come si deve :))
@giulia...aaah..detto da te! mi fa moltissimo piacere!!
@alda..siiiii...una tua opinione sarebbe graditissimo!
@mari..mi sono dimenticata scrivere..basta cliccare sulle foto e trovi la ricetta in inglese.
mi piacrebbe tanto che la provassi anche tu! :)
ps. ho preso i finocchi! ;)))
@manu&silvia..grazie particolare..ma davvero buona!
@mirtillina...grazie cara!!!
@enza..yes cooked ham..forgot to write that to!
yes..some swedish recipes will follow...now that I have recovered my lost recipe books! I'm very happy!! :))
@may..grazie sarebbe giusto per te :)
arrivo subito!!
buona serata amici...have a nice evening...
Pineapple and ham go so well together, and this is such a creative way of adding pineapple to the meal. It sounds very delicious!
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