well..I think the first one to thank is ivy...
we made friends on facebook
and she had a badge that intrigued me...
I started to read...and got more and more interested.
it is called BloggerAid,
Bloggers Uniting to Aid in the Alleviation of Hunger
the first thing was to sign up...
now I'm trying to figure out how to help...
but I'm so happy being part of something so right.
it feels good!
then I got to know rachel..
zapping trough the round up of the weekend herb blogging...
in her blog I found joan..
and her culinary trip around the world
and the food world programme
and here I am! :))))))
ok..before I give you my very silly, simple recipe...
I want to tell you that they don't just eat fish in Norway..they eat lamb too! :))
I have a dear Norwegian friend of mine, Renata, she's from Bergen..and their special dish
is lamb's feet with cabbage!! it is true!!!! promise!!
the cook these feet for 6-7 hours with the whole cabbage.
it is...very fat! so together they drink schnaps.
now, this was what I wanted to prepare, but of course I didn't find any lamb feet, just some
pork feet, but that wouldn't be the same..would it?? :)))
but don't worry...joan has the recipe and photos to!!
(my question now is, why did renata make me eat lamb feet, when the recipe says lamb meat?????)))
so...here I go with a fish dish, too :)))
this recipe comes from one of mine Norwegian cook books:
vintermat som varmer
gitte heidi rasmussen
inge skovdal
ed. schibsted
you need:
1 jar of herrings in onion f.ex
a pice of leek
juice and peel from half a lemon
pepper seeds
fresh dill (if you have so, if not you can use thyme as I did)
filter the herring, but don not trow away the juice.
cut the leek in tiny rings
grate the peel of the lemon and squeeze the juice.
mix all ingredients very gently, put in the fridge to cool before serving.
serve in a small glass.
very, simple, very quick..very norvegian :)))
5 commenti:
Hi Bri!! I'd like to thank u for the add! Hope to see u soon around! Hugs! Marco
perfect indeed my darling! kisses bacioneeeee
Silvia :-D
Ciao Briii. What a lovely recipe and photo you have taken. I have left you a message at BloggerAid. Baci
Della cucina norvegese non so praticamente.. nulla, ma il piatto è intrigante, grazie!
P.S. Se ne hai voglia, passa da me, c'è qualche premio da ritirare per te!
buona sera amici.
good evening friends
@marco...eh si..ci vediamo!! eccome! :)))
@silvia..thank you, sei sempre gentilissima!
@ivy, thanks for passing by.
ok..i'll be right there!
@barbara..la norvegia è spettacolare..ed io ho visto solo il sud, oslo ed intorni.
se va tutto bene, andiamo su fare nordic in maggio, vorrei andare a bergen..speriamoooo!! :)))
vi auguro una bellissima serata
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