the WHB # 163 recap
welcome to this week's whb!
this is a special edition called Holiday Herb Blogging, hosted by Haalo from
we will take up on the 29of December with Maybelle's Mom from Feeding Maybelle hosting.
Cook (almost) anything. Haalo wanted us to put up a holiday themed recipe...
well....for me...whats more holday like then to drink Glögg or Glüwein??
well....for me...whats more holday like then to drink Glögg or Glüwein??
they are more or less the same...
with a base of red wine and then additoned with different spices.
the first one is typical Swedish, Glögg, sometimes addictioned with something stronger as vodka...
it is served during Christmas time, and in Sweden you can find a glögg extract that needs just to be mixed with red wine or you can find even ready glögg.
of course doing it by your self is much much better.
then you know exactely what's in it!
the Glüwein is tipically German and Austrian, and this to is a Christmas speciality.
you let the spices marinate in the wine all night, the day after you add sugar, you give it a heat and you serve it.
this is the common way of doing these two hot spices drinks...
this the way I have allways done it.
but this year I found a new recipe...
a White Glögg!!
so....this Christmas you can choose... and make you one! :))
White Glögg
1 bottle of simply white wine (I use Soave)
the juice of 2 oranges
the peel of 1 orange
2 tbls of cloves
1 tbls of cardomon seeds
3 pieces of cinnamon
put all the spices in the wine and let marinate for one night.
the next day ad some sugar, heat it up, without letting it cook, then filter.
serve with raisins and almond flakes.
you can do a big quantity and store for 2 months.
let marinate and then heat it up without the sugar.
filter and pour in clean bottles.
when need you just add sugar, heat and mix until the sugar is melted.
then serve as above.
Red Glögg
2 bottles of simple red wine (I use Bardolino o Valpolicella)
4 1/2 dl of watetr
4dl of caster sugar
2 pieces of cinnamonn (ca 10cm each)
20 cloves
30 whole cardomons seeds
6 bitter almonds (peeled)
3 peels of bitter orange
put the species in the water and heat. let cook for a couple of minutes and then lower the heat and add the wine. let cook softly for an other couple of minutes.
turn of the heat and let marinate for 2 or 3 hours. (not to long it gets bitter)
filter ad put in bottles.
heat when needed and serve with raisins and almond flakes.
you can do a big quantity, filtered it preserves for 2 months.
store in a cool place.
1,5 liter of good red wine (I use Lambrusco)
1 or 2 oranges in slices
1 anise
3-4 cloves
1 piece of cinnamon
put all ingredients in the wine and let marinate all night.
the next day filter and heat. don't let it boil.
serve warm.
we will take up on the 29of December with Maybelle's Mom from Feeding Maybelle hosting.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas
in this time of the year, I don't take tea with me in my thermos on the Nordic Walking ...I take spicy hot wine :)))))
this is also a nice present you can do...
just put the spices in a tiny bag, include the recipe and you gift is done.
just put the spices in a tiny bag, include the recipe and you gift is done.
or also the ready wine white two glasses, like these
for the Italian versions:
10 commenti:
Visto che è arrivato il freddo, ben vengano bevande che ti scaldano e sono anche buone...
Buono il vin brulé ma i bicchierini sono fantastici!!! Baci
buon giornooo amiche...ci siamo quasi!
domani giorno più lungo...e poi torna la luce!!
sono trooooppoooo felice!! :)))
@aldaaaa...siiii..ci vuole ci vuole..fanno tanto natale, trovo! :))
@twostella..grazie..è una stupidata sai..
un fascettina in panno lenci della misura del bicchiere, chiuso con colla a caldo e poi incolli l'applicazione.
trovati alla lidl ad 1 eu, per 1 metro di stelline o renne.
più meglio di così! :))))
ragazze vi auguro una buonissima giornata...
io vado camminareeee
ho giusto capito che è un post ad alto tasso alcolico.....baciooooooooooo
Mamma mia come "scalda" questo post, eheheheh...Brii sei il mio scaldotto, hihihihihi!
Bri io non bevo alcolici di nessun tipo....bellissimi i porta bicchieri....comprati ? Fai da te ? Bacioni ara e buona serata :)
p.s. Ora vado a spiare la tua ricetta del liquore al cioccolato, fatto l'anno scorso e sparito...la cena del 24 si avvicina.
Bacioni e scusa il poema :)
Sto guardando su rete4 un film girato nelle tue zone, wow...
giusto giusto quello che ci serve per scaldarci..e ci piacciono molto anche i bicchierini!!
amiciiii...buona sera...
agitazione prenatalizio?? nooooo :)))
@loryyyy..ad altissimo tasso alcoolico..ma sai comè mi serve per il cavolo rosso! :))))
@simooo...sei troppo carina..mi è piaciuto un sacco la tua letterina al babbo natale!
@emiiiii... bicchieri di Ikea (svalka)
un fascettina in panno lenci della misura del bicchiere, chiuso con colla a caldo e poi incolli l'applicazione.
trovati alla lidl ad 1 eu, per 1 metro di stelline o renne.
più meglio di così! :))))
il liquore al cioccolato..mmm sai che è tanto che non lo faccio..
quasi quasi..daiiii...in tandem!!
@manu&silvia..grazie..i bicchierini va benissimo anche come regalino con una confezione di tè.
amiche...vi auguro una buonissima serata.
supreme clothing
Travis Scott Jordan
golden goose
nike off white
golden goose sneakers
golden goose
yeezy gap hoodie
off white
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