welcome to this week's whb...
this week we are hosted by Ivy from Kopiaste
this gets better and better..
in the past months I come to learn a lot of new recipes,
been inspired by many new foodbloggers all around the world...
and when I think of it..
that this is the third year it is going on...
I'm so happy being part of all this..
weeeellll...of course, I'm just a minimum part, but it is enough for me..:))
did this make you curious? please read here and here.
this is an idea of kalyn, and haalo is now coordinating all.
I found this recipe in one of my recipe books.
"the best of Sale & Pepe 2006
I made some adjustments to suit my taste
you need:
white, black and rosè grapes*
1 full tblsp of coriander seed
fresh leaves of thyme, oregan, majoran
white pepper grains**
caster sugar
vinegar from white wine
dry white wine
wash the grapes and cut them away from the cluster (grape bunch) leaving a piece of petiole (leaf-stalk).
put the grapes in sterilized glass jars***, press them lightly, paying attention not to damage or ruin them.
now and then put some herb leaves in between and also ad some cloves,peper grains, coriander seed.
sprinkle the last layer of grapes with sugar.
fill the glass jars with a mixture of half vinegar and half white wine, add some vodka.****
give the jars a gentle knock to get all the bubbles up.
fill to cover completaly the grapes.
close the lid thight and store in a cool, dark place.
let marinate 3 or 4 weeks before tasting.
this spicy sweet sour grapes are perfect together with
roast beef or all sorts of meatpies as
pork, chicken, liver or wild.
* it looks beautiful if you use all three colours, I only used the rosè grapes.
if you find also green and pink peper, you can use them together with the white pepper
. the are softener in tast.
I used black pepper.
to sterilize you can use my method:
put your empty glass jars on a bakingtray and put into the oven
at 120° C for ca 30min
(the time you fix the grapes)
be careful when you manage the glasses afterwards, the are boiling,
this is a very good method when you don't cook the preserves.
and it works!!
for my preparation I used 500ml of vinegar, 500ml of white wine and 100ml of vodka.
it came out 6 jars of 250gr each.
how about doing this for a Christmas gift? :)
for the italian version:
uva speziata in agrodolce
see you next week at chriesi of almond corner
the WHB #161 round up
7 commenti:
guarda guarda ...a volte i post in ingleseeeeeeeeee...ehehe scherzo sei bravissima!!! però quello sui kiwi...in italian pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
loryyyy...poi non ne abbiamo parlato!
uff!...anzi..non capisco...abbiamo parlato interottamente per due giorni e ho ancora un sacco di cose da dirti.
come è possibile???
Ecco un'altra grande idea per Natale...o per regalini vari...grazieeeeee
buon giornooo simoooo
siii anche a me è piaciuto tantissimo l'idea come regalo.
come la tua uva!
buon week end
bhe è meraviglioso che abbiamo un sacco da dirciiii....baciooooooo
we quest'uva è fantastica sempre dei regali originali brii ;)
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