thank's for hosting and all help valentina! :)
here you found this week end's fantastico round up!
I would like to quote her for some of the rules of the Weekend Herb Blogging:
"If you are new here and are not familiar with the Weekend Herb Blogging event, it is a weekly occurrence in the English language blogsphere where should you choose to take part, you need to select a main ingredient for your post, prepare a dish with it and in addition to sharing the preparation method with all, also tell us about the ingredient of your choice."

the original idea is kalyn's from Kalyn's kitchen,
and I agree that it is a fantastic event, going on for over 2 years now.
and I agree that it is a fantastic event, going on for over 2 years now.
for other information about this event, please use the link belove:
I wish to thank Kalyn too, for being so available.
the summer is really ending, so it is time to use the aromatic herbs that will not survive the winter.
well, the mint will perhaps look very sad...but it will not die.
and if it seems that it is completaly disappeared...we should not worry, with the forst rays of sun, the first warm will be back!
if it finds the right place it will spread and can be very intrusive.
the mint is one of those aromatic herb that supports the shade..most of the others prefers the sun, a lot of sun.
to do this mintflavoured sugar, use a mint with strong perfum as peppermint (mentha piperita), but also the common mint (mentha spicata) or the field mint (mentha longifolia)
actually, if you find the field mint, use that! it is perfect
it has a very very strong perfum.
it has a very very strong perfum.
thanks girls! :)

you need:
500gr of white plain sugar
50gr of mint leaves
don't wash the mint leaves, they will be mashed and loose their perfum. just brush of the dust or earth, or blow it gentile away.
put leaves (no sprigs) and sugar in a mixer and mix well.
then spread the green sugar(you will have a wonderful perfum in the house all day!)
on a tray an let dry in the sun a couple of days.
remember to withdraw at night.
or put in oven at 50°C for a couple of hours.
it will look very dry and hard, but it will crumble between your fingers.
store in glass jars in a cold, dry and dark place.
use it in the tea, spread over a fruit salad or in a apple jam. :)
use it with the tea, spread over a fruit salad or add in a apple jam.
or why not, make a perfumed gift for Christmas. :)
11 commenti:
Siiii...brava ti è venuto benissimo...vero che è fantastico il profumo??? Io lo uso per le macedonie, è spaziale!
Baciotti, Briiiiii....!!!!
wow Bri, dimmi se ho capito giusto...bisogna postare una ricetta con le erbe aromatiche, una qualsiasi? Primo, secondo?? o solo conserve? lo zucchero è fantastico e ho giusto della menta che bisogna dimmi se ho cpaito giusto che il mio inglese è debolino...hai frullato tutto succhero e emnta e dopo essicato al sole? un bacione e bravissima
buona seraaaa amicheee!!! un profumo in tutta la casa. buonissimo!
io voglio provare in marmellata con le mele... :), anzi..puoi scegliere:
un'erba, un fiore, un frutto o una verdura.
fai un piatto con quello che scegli e spieghi le caratteristiche.
io ho messo la menta e come coltivarla.
deve essere un post nuovo ed in inglese.
ho scritto e chiesto a kayln come possono fare quelle che litigano con l'inglese e mi ha detto che ci penserà e mi farà sapere.
dice che ho ragione voler far participare tutti, ma deve cambiare un pò le regole e non sa esattamente come fare.
nel frattempo se vuoi, ti aiuto io.:)
simooo dovrebbe mettere la ricetta in italiano, mi ha detto lei come fare .)
tritare zucchero e menta(non lavarla se no s'imbacca)
poi la stendi su un vassioio e lasci seccare al sole per un paio di giorni. tira dentro la sera.
se no, anche in forno a 50° per ca 3-4 ore.
se si indurisce, lo ritriti ancora. no..viene zucchero a velo.
beh..che non sarebbe male!! hihi
spero di essere stata chiara-
buonissima serata amicheee
Brii, belissimo! I love this recipe. Such simple execution and a result that will give great pleasure. even though i do not grow mint, i will be buying some to prepare this sugar.thank you.
I am growing mint too. I will have to harvest it and use it this way! This is a simple yet wonderful recipe!
good morning!!
thank you for passing by!
@valentina..I'm happy you like it.
it was fun doing this round up with you. :)
@anna haight..yes,..try it. it spreads a fantastic perfume during doing it.
do you have a lot of mint? I have a very nice reciepe of a mint liquor. mmmmmmmmmmm :)
have a nice week
Wow vedo che allora le mie idee vanno benissimo ahahaha tutti a fare lo zucchero alla menta ahahaha
certo mia cara!!
le tue idee sono sempre super!!
grande tati!!!
Such a lovely sounding way to use mint! I do have rather an abundance of it around here too. This mind sugar could be used in so many ways.
yes..if spread a incredible good perfum all around, and it stayed so for a long!
I thinking of what to publish this week..found some beautiful chestnuts, trekking this morning..
mumble mumble...
see you soon.
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