25 gennaio 2009

WHB# 167 - veloutè of pumpkin, carrots, sellery with cumin and fennel

ciao to everybody!
WHB is back...this week hosted by chris - mele cotte.

this is an idea of kalyn, and from now on hold by haalo.
if you would like to join, please read

I made this veloutè thinking of chris, after trying cumin and fennel in the pinepple pickles
I realized they are super together.

so, chris this is for you! :)))
this is a recipe fot a pressure cooker
you need:
350gr of pumkin (without peel)
350gr of carrots
250gr of green sellery
1-2 tsp of cumin
1-2 tsp of fennel
extravergin olive oil
1,5 liters of water
let the cumin and the fennel gently fry in the olive oil (you need aprx 2 tbsp)
add all the clean vegetables cut in pieces, toss around and let get aromatizied
add all the water, close the cover, and the pressure cooker whistles, lower the heat and let cook for 30min.
open the relife/air valve and let out the air.
open and with a immersion mixer, mix until smoth.
serve with some cumin and fennel seed.
if you don't have or want use a pressure cooker, please consider dubble of the time.
I do apologize for this short post, but in this moment I'm under pressure for an exame
I have around end of february/mid march.
I studying very hard, and have less time to look after my blog.
but I care to participate on WHB every week, even though my posts will be rather miserable.
so..see you next week at marija's blog palachinka
per la versione italiana, cliccate sulla foto :)

4 commenti:

aldarita ha detto...

Sai, sono belle anche le ricette per le quali dobbiamo cliccare sulla foto perchè il tuo racconto è in inglese, però, almeno a me, in questi casi manca il tuo racconto e allora la ricetta è un po' meno bella...

Chris ha detto...


Thank you for your kind words and for thinking of me! The combination of flavors here must have been wonderful.

And, thanks for participating in WHB. ;) Good luck with your studying! Grazie di nuovo!

crimasot ha detto...

Sìììì anche a me piace la versione maccheronica della Brii!
Ci vediamo sabatooooooo!

Luca and Sabrina ha detto...

Il profumino arriva fin qui, adoriamo questa zuppa, adoriamo le spezie che hai usato, perdonaci ma non sappiamo resistere, questa ricetta non possiamo non copiartela, siamo in vena di zuppe e almeno una a settimana ce la concediamo!
Baciotti ed un premio

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