this a reciepe that I found on one of my favorite german magazines
Lisa Kochen & backen juni 2008
I like this magazine a lot, it is always full of
simple, easy and very appetizing reciepes.
erik (son n°1) that is studying and working in germany
buys it and sends it to me.
the special thing with this jelly is that
you can do two preserves in one.
this jelly and with the fruit pulp you can do
apricot jam with ginger.
for the italian version:
gelatina di albicocche e peperoncino
for the swedish version;
Aprikosgelé med chilifrukter we go:
500g of apricot in slices
juice of 6 oranges*
juice of 1 lemon
1 chili
500g of gelling sugar 3.1**
mix apricot slices with the two jucies, and let it take a stir.
let cook for ca 10min, than but the fruit in a colander and let sip over the night.
the next day put away the pulp(don't squeeze the pulp to get more juice, your jelly will only get turbid, and than it is almost impossibile to get clear again.
strain the liquid in a strainer a couple of times and the put in a pot.
add the sugar and the chili in small slices(without the seeds)
cook until it reaches the density you prefer and then pour in clean jars.
close tight and let cool upside down.
store in a cool, dark place.
this jelly is fabulous with soft cheese as Robiola or Philadelphia.
* if you can't find fresch oranges,
you can use 500ml of orangejuice
you can also use normal caster sugar,
weigh the liquid and put half the weight in sugar.
5 commenti:
Bella! Lucida lucida! Non avrei mai pensato di mangiarla col formagio, sarà che io mangio la marmellata a colazione e le mie colazioni durano in tutto 10 secondi!
buon giorno e buona domenica cara!
eh eh...dai provala...è di una semplicità dà tanta soddisfazione..
Mi piace molto, veramente interessante! Continua cosi, Elga
Ciao Brii, complimenti per il tuo blog e grazie per essere passata da me.
Anch'io apprezzo molto le mostarde che accompagnano i formaggi, ne ho accennato in un recente post.
Buona domenica
buon giornoooo amichee
@elga: si non mi fermo più...oi oi,....troppa soddisfazione fare marmellate.
@tina: si infatti mi hanno molto incuriosito le tue mostarde.
piacciono un sacco anche a me.
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